DALLAS — The Army & Air Force Exchange Service has been named a Military Friendly® Spouse Employer for the eighth time by Viqtory Media, publisher of Military Spouse magazine.

The Army & Air Force Exchange Service has been named a Military Friendly Spouse Employer for 2020.
The Military Friendly® Spouse Employer list recognizes companies based on six key criteria: hiring and onboarding; opportunity and advancement; culture and commitment; support and retention; policies and compliance; and recruiting and sourcing.
“The Exchange benefits daily from the experience and perspective of associates who are spouses of active-duty service members,” said Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Luis Reyes, Exchange senior enlisted advisor. “These associates understand the unique challenges of military life. They are a vital part of the Exchange family.”
As of October 2019, the Exchange has employed more than 6,000 military spouses, comprising 21 percent of the workforce. The Exchange is committed to hiring 50,000 veterans and military spouses by 2020 and has 10,000 hires to go, before meeting its 50k goal.
“The Exchange recognizes how important military spouses are to our workforce, that’s why we have developed the Associate Transfer Program, allowing military spouses an opportunity to stay employed with the Exchange as they PCS with their military member,” said Leigh Roop, Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. “Military spouses have a personal connection with our mission, our customers and relate to our core value of family serving family, which is why we value them!”
Military Friendly® measures an organization’s commitment, effort and success at creating benefits and employment opportunities for Veterans and their families that are both sustainable and meaningful during frequent geographic relocations.
The 2020 Military Friendly® Spouse Employers list will be published in the January issue of Military Spouse magazine and is available online at MilitaryFriendly.com.
Veterans, military spouses and others seeking employment with the Exchange can visit applymyexchange.com to view job openings worldwide.
Facebook-friendly version: The Army & Air Force Exchange Service, with a goal of hiring 50,000 military spouses and Veterans by 2020, has been named a Military Friendly® Spouse Employer for the eighth time by the publisher of Military Spouse magazine. Read more: https://wp.me/p9Q7PG-1ah
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Since 1895, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (Exchange) has gone where Soldiers, Airmen and their families go to improve the quality of their lives by providing valued goods and services at exclusive military pricing. The Exchange is the 62nd-largest retailer in the United States. Its earnings provided $2.3 billion in dividends to support military morale, welfare and recreation programs over the last 10 years. The Exchange is a non-appropriated fund entity of the Department of Defense and is directed by a Board of Directors. The Exchange is a 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemorative Partner, planning and conducting events and activities that recognize the service, valor and sacrifice of Vietnam Veterans and their families in conjunction with the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration. To find out more about the Exchange history and mission or to view recent press releases please visit our website at http://www.shopmyexchange.com or follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ExchangePAO.
Media Notes:
For more information or to schedule an interview with an Exchange representative please contact Eric Zarate, 214-312-3830 or [email protected].
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