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March 29th

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The Exchange is a 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemorative Partner, planning and conducting events and activities that recognize Vietnam Veterans and their families for service, valor and sacrifice in conjunction with the Commemoration.

March 29 is Vietnam Veterans Day, a day set aside for Americans to honor the courage and sacrifice of those who served in the Vietnam War.

The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration is a program administered by the Office of the Secretary of Defense to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. The U.S. began commemoration of the Vietnam War’s 50th anniversary in 2012 and will continue through Veterans Day 2025.

For more information on the program, visit www.vietnamwar50th.com.

Vietnam Commemoration Pin

Complimentary Commemorative Pin for Veterans

Everyone who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time from Nov. 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location, will receive a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin at their local Exchange during ceremonies planned throughout the day, March 29. This lapel pin, which has become a lasting memento of the Nation’s thanks, is provided in partnership with The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration.

For more information on the times of the March 29 ceremonies at local Exchanges, see your Exchange's local Facebook page. Those without installation access should contact their local Exchange or the installation’s Visitor Center for information on gaining access to a ceremony.

Find your closest Exchange to receive your commemorative pin locations here!

National Vietnam War Veterans Day


"No greater honor than serving those who serve."

Dear Exchange Shoppers,

On National Vietnam War Veterans Day, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service joins a thankful Nation in showing heartfelt appreciation to Vietnam-era Veterans and their families for their selfless sacrifice.

During the 1970s, when I served in the Army as an infantry Platoon Leader and Company Commander, many Soldiers who returned home did not receive the homecoming they deserved. Too frequently, these heroes did not receive the warm welcome enjoyed by those who served in wars before and after Vietnam.

Through a longstanding partnership with The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, which will conclude on Veterans Day this year, PXs and BXs worldwide will honor Vietnam-era Veterans on March 29 with free lapel pins as a thank-you for their service and valor.

The pins are offered to Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. More information on the ceremonies can be found on the Exchange's community Hub and your local PX/BX's social media pages.

From Team Exchange to all Vietnam Veterans: Thank you for your heroic service. It is an honor to serve those who serve and have served.

Veteran for Life!

Tom Shull
Army & Air Force Exchange Service