Teamwork and Accountability
Fast, Effective Workouts With Both Cardio and Strength Exercises
I really enjoyed training in a group setting this week at a local facility where the emphasis was on strength and conditioning circuits; engaging fast twitching muscles and stamina. Growing up, I was always active with playing sports.Early on, I played baseball and basketball with soccer as my primary sport of focus from youth, club competitively, to a D2 college program. To be back in a team setting was something that I’ve been missing. Looking over to encourage my teammates, pushing through each exercise, completing those last reps that I didn’t think I could finish, keeping myself accountable and supporting one another was enjoyable and a void that I filled.
Some key benefits of HICT or High Intensity Circuit Training includes:
- Increased Caloric Expenditure
- Enjoyable fast pace over low intensity, steady state training.
- HICT can boost your endurance.
- Great for your heart.
- Whole body, compound exercises.
If working out solo is loosing its intensity, try a group setting and surround yourself with those who push you.
Here’s the workout to try!
4 Rounds
- Dumbbell weighted-Reverse lunge to high knee (10 on each leg)
- Side Shuffle (10m on each side)
- 5 Burbees
- Medicine ball sledgehammer slams (10 on each side)
- Medicine ball Russian Twist (10 on each side)
4 Rounds
- Single hand kettle bell swings (5 each hand)
- Walking lunge with weight overhead (20 yards)
- Mountain Climbers (20 each leg)
- V-Up sit-ups (5 each side)
4 Rounds Core
- 10 crunches
- 15 toe touches
- 20 flutter kicks

Roy Montez
Roy Montez, BeFit Manager

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