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BE FIT LIVE: Come Train With Us!
Live workout from 17 August 2020.
Join Be Fit Ambassador Roy Montez and SMSgt Berry during a Facebook Live workout to challenge yourself with targeted workouts for your arms, core, back, glutes and lower body for a full body strength and conditioning test to help you stay mission ready.
If you were not able to catch the live experience, you can play back and follow along Facebook Live link here.
The Workout
- :40 seconds of work and :20 seconds of rest
- 4 exercises
- 4 Rounds total
- 1:00 minute of rest between rounds
Split Stance Squat
Target: Quad, Glutes, Core Stability
- Keeping your torso straight, lower slowly until your back knee almost touches the floor, then push back up.
- Complete all your reps on one leg, then switch to the other. Keep your knees in line with your toes, especially on the front leg, and don’t let the front knee stray past your foot as you lower.
Split Push-Up
Target: Pectoral, Tricep, Core Stability
- Place one of your hands at head level then place the other hand by your chest and place your toes on the floor while face down
- Keep your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your feet and keep your abs and glutes engaged
- Lower yourself by bending your elbows until your chest almost touches the floor
- Drive through the palms of your hands to push yourself back up until your arms are locked out
- Repeat
Single Leg Balance w/Resistance Row
Target: Quad, Glutes, Back, Core Stability
- Stand on one leg holding dumbbell in hand
- Hinge at hips (keeping back flat) until chest is 45 degrees to floor
- Rear foot is 1-2 feet off the ground
- Start with arm straight, pointing toward floor
- Raise dumbbell to chest
- Return to starting position
- :20 each arm row
Plank Arm Reaches
Target: Core Strength and Stability
- Maintain good plank position – shoulders over the elbows, low back flat with pelvis tucked, glutes squeezed, lats contracted, hands separated in fists. Reach one arm without letting the hips move at all, return to plank position, repeat with other arm.

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