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20 Min. Full-Body Cardio Workout | BE FIT LIVE 78
BE FIT LIVE | Focus on your Fitness
Join Be Fit Ambassador Roy Montez and guest SMSgt. Sonja Berry during a Facebook Live workout to challenge yourself with targeted workouts for your arms, core, back, glutes and lower body for a full body strength and conditioning test to help you stay mission ready.
Follow along with every set, rep and coaching cue as Roy and SMSgt. Berry lead this weeks cardio and resistance-based workout. Grab your towel plus water and let’s get ready to put in some work!
The Workout
- :40 seconds of work and :20 seconds of rest
- 4 exercises
- 4 Rounds total
- 1:00 minute of rest between rounds
1. Plyo Lunge to Drop Squat
2. Downward Dog to Push-up w/ Shoulder Tap
3. DB Squat + Curl + Press
4. 1 Inch Worm, 10 Mountain Climbers
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